Savings Rates

Competitive rates on savings, certificate, and money market accounts.


All yields accurate as of March 1, 2025 and subject to change after the account is opened.
Fees could reduce earnings on accounts.

APY = Annual Percentage Yield,   DD/DW = Day of Deposit/Day of Withdrawal

Piggy bank icon

Savings Rates

Rates Effective: 3/1/2025

Statement Savings Dividend Rate APY Term Minimum Balance Required Rate May Change
High Dividend Savings 3.6820% 3.75% DD/DW $500.00 Daily
Open Now
MyLife Savings
(on the first $500)
1.9810% 2.00% DD/DW $1.00 Daily
Open Now
MyLife Savings
(Amounts over $500)
0.020% 0.02% DD/DW $1.00 Daily  
MyLife Savings for Kids
(on the first $500)
1.9810% 2.00% DD/DW $1.00 Daily
Open Now
MyLife Savings for Kids
(Amounts over $500)
0.020% 0.02% DD/DW $1.00 Daily  
Learn More About High Dividend Savings
Money icon

MyLife Money
Market Rates
(Rates also apply to
our Business Money Market

Rates Effective: 3/1/2025

Statement Savings Dividend Rate APY Term Minimum Balance Required Rate May Change
MyLife Money

(Amounts $1,000,000-
0.5983% 0.60% DD/DW $1,000,000 Daily
MyLife Money Market
(Amounts $500,000-$999,999.99)
0.4989% 0.50% DD/DW $500,000 Daily
MyLife Money Market
(Amounts $250,000-$499,999.99)
0.3993% 0.40% DD/DW $250,000 Daily
MyLife Money Market
(Amounts $100,000 - $249,999.99)
0.2498% 0.25% DD/DW $100,000 Daily
MyLife Money Market
(Amounts $50,000 - $99,999.99)
0.14995% 0.15% DD/DW $50,000 Daily
MyLife Money Market
(Amounts $10,000 - $49,999.99)
0.1000% 0.10% DD/DW $10,000 Daily
MyLife Money Market
(Amounts $2,000 - $9,999.99)
0.0700% 0.07% DD/DW $2,000 Daily
MyLife Money Market
(Amounts less than $2,000)
0 .050% 0.05% DD/DW $0 Daily
Open Now
Learn More About MyLife Money Market

Certificate Accounts

Certificate Account products (similar to CDs) are available for Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs),
with the exception of the 11 Month Special Certificate (No Early Withdrawal Penalty).

Fixed Rate  

Certificate icon

Certificate Accounts

Rates Effective: 3/1/2025

Fixed Rate Accounts Dividend Rate APY Term Minimum Balance Required
60 Month 3.9224% 4.00% 60 months $500
Open Now
48 Month 3.9224% 4.00% 48 Months $500
Open Now
36 Month1
Rate Special
3.9224% 4.00% 36 Months $500
Open Now
24 Month1
Rate Special
4.3064% 4.40% 24 Months $500
Open Now
18 Month1
Rate Special
4.1145% 4.20% 18 Months $500
Open Now
12 Month1
Rate Special
4.3065% 4.40% 12 Months $500
Open Now
11 Month2
No Early Withdrawal Penalty
3.8265% 3.90% 11 Months $500
Open Now
9 Month 3.9227% 4.00% 9 Months $500
Open Now
6 Month 3.9227% 4.00% 6 Months $500
Open Now
3 Month 3.9233% 4.00% 3 Months $500
Open Now
Learn More About Certificate Accounts
Increasing rate icon

Step-Up Rate

Rates Effective: 3/1/2025

Step-Up Rate Accounts Dividend Rate APY Term Minimum Balance Required
24 Month Step-Up 4.3064% 4.40% 24 Months $500
Open Now
12 Month Step-Up 4.3065% 4.40% 12 Months $500
Open Now
Learn More About Certificate Accounts
Percent icon

Additional Savings

Rates Effective: 3/1/2025

Statement Savings Dividend Rate APY Term Minimum Balance Required
Platinum Money Manager
(If minimum balance is maintained)
0.2996% 0.30% DD/DW $75,000 Daily
Platinum Money Manager
(If balance falls below minimum)
0.050% 0.05% DD/DW $75,000 Daily
Diamond Money Manager
(If minimum balance is maintained)
0.2498% 0.25% DD/DW $50,000 Daily
Diamond Money Manager
(If balance falls below minimum)
0.050% 0.05% DD/DW $50,000 Daily
Silver Money Manager
(If minimum balance is maintained)
0.200% 0.20% DD/DW $5,000 Daily
Silver Money Manager
(If balance falls below minimum)
0.050% 0.05% DD/DW $5,000 Daily
Education Savings
Coverdell Education Savings Account (ESA)
0.650% 0.65% DD/DW $1.00 Daily
STAR Account
IRA retirement savings account only (Traditional, Roth, SEP, SIMPLE)
0.400% 0.40% DD/DW $25.00 Daily
Club Account 0.250% 0.25% 1 - 12 Months $1.00 Daily
Super Savings Money Manager
(If minimum balance is maintained)
0.250% 0.25% DD/DW $25,000 Daily
Super Savings Money Manager
(If balance falls below minimum)
0.050% 0.05% DD/DW $25,000 Daily
Savings Plus
(Amounts > $2,000)
0.100% 0.10% DD/DW $500 Daily
Savings Plus
(on the first $2,000)
0.050% 0.05% DD/DW $1.00 Daily
Share Mgmt, Kids, Teen and Health Savings Accounts
(Amounts > $2,000)
0.050% 0.05% DD/DW $1.00 Daily
Share Mgmt, Kids, Teen and Health Savings
(on the first $2,000)
0.020% 0.02% DD/DW $1.00 Daily